
Hello! I am Amin Tehrani. Full-Stack and Web Developer, Python/Django Senior Teacher.

I'm studying Computer Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) for my second year and have passed several AI-related course.

Having experienced about 6 years as a software engineer, I'm currently pursuing a Master's in Computer Engineering with a focus on Artificial Intelligence. So I'm armed with software engineering skills to develop software products and I'm eager to apply my new AI knowledge to them if needed.

Basic Information
Padova, PD, Italy
English, Persian
Professional Skills
Django & DRF
Linux & Open-Source tools
SOLID design, Design Patterns
Socket programming
OO Software Architecture & Refactoring
Work Experience

Feb 2021 - Jan 2023


Python/Django Lead teacher and Tech expert
  As a 6-month boot camps Teacher:
  • teaching Python basics, intermediate, advanced
  • teaching Django basics to advanced
  • teaching flask basics
  • teaching RDBMSs (PostgreSQL)
  • designing, assessing projects, and showing best practices as well
  • teaching git vcs
  • teaching web development relevant knowledge and skills (network, html/css/js)
  As Lead teacher and Tech expert:
  • refining and prescribing boot-camps syllabus
  • holding extra practice sessions for all web boot-camps students
  • organizing interviews with candidate mentors and teachers
  • observing and evaluating fresh mentors and teachers

Aug 2021 - Sep 2022


Software architect and Team lead
  Analyzing, designing, and implementing a mobile-embed live server for PKI to
  perform encryption, signing, and verifying on various channels including
  Bluetooth, USB, etc.
  • extracting user stories from business requirements
  • interpreting user stories into technical descriptions
  • designing an MVC-based arch for a server inside a mobile phone
  • providing UMLs (Class, Sequence, Use-case)
  • implementing a real-time, socket-based server in the mobile application
  • implementing abstract classes as the blueprints for other teammates
  • writing unit tests (TDD)
  • assigning tasks to my team members
  • holding periodic meeting sessions
  • R&D on interfaces given by different mobile OS and frameworks (IOS,
  android, flutter)
  • implementing on the Android studio platform (Java/Kotlin) as the pilot.

April 2020 - February 2021



One of the three co-founders

Full-Stack (Django) developer
Dantia was the first Iranian startup to serve AI-based analytics for the Iran Capital Market.
• analyzing the business requirements with other mates
• defining visions and milestones
• implementing core service using Django
• writing RESTful APIs using Django Rest Framework
• crawling the core website of the Iran exchange market
• fetching data from external APIs
• preprocessing and normalizing data before passing it to the AI engine
• documenting source codes for later uses
• establishing co-work environments (git, task managers)
(Dantia failed due to the market depression in Feb 2021)

July 2019 - March 2020


Full-Stack developer
  • Interpret business requirements into software descriptions
  • designing ERD and implementing database
  • Implement services APIs on php CodeIgniter
  • deploying and maintaining source code on servers
  • designing the mobile-first UI
  • implementing the client app on Android Studio (java) integrating APIs
  • testing and debugging the project
  • documenting APIs for other developers' future uses

October 2018 - May 2019


One of the three co-founders

Full-Stack developer
Bazmand was a waste-management platform (ordered by the municipality of Tehran, Iran), 
piloted in 3 districts there with more than 10k users.
  • interpreting software requirements, having extracted business demands
  • implementing the monolithic server using PHP CodeIgniter
  • implementing RESTful APIs for all user roles
  • designing general theme
  • designing UI for 5 distinct Android applications for each role
  • implementing all the applications
  • deploying server source code on the dedicated server
  • testing, debugging, and maintaining after the launch
(quit in July 2019, yet the brand is still officially in my possession.)

2022 - 2024

Master's Degree
Master of Computer Engineering - Artificial Intelligence

University of Padova, Italy

Second-year student
Having passed AI-related courses like:
  - Machine Learning
  - Artificial Intelligence
  - Computer Vision
  - Big Data

2016 - 2021

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Computer Engineering

Kharazmi University of Tehran, Iran

5-years BSC degree
Top ranked, government-founded universities of Iran.
Final grade: 16.06 / 20

Contact Me
Feel free to contact me


Padova, PD, Italy



